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What's my story

customer success director service delivery director chief customer officer imposter syndrome low self-esteem low confidence procrastination

Limiting beliefs from my childhood


As a child & teenager, influential figures in my life would often make me feel that I wasn't good enough.

It wasn't until working with a coach that I discovered just how much those repeated negative statements were responsible for so many of my career and life decisions.

The low confidence and lack of self-esteem due to the limiting beliefs that I won't be accepted, and I won't be good enough - had been holding me back,

...and made me focus on the wrong things!

On a mission to prove them wrong


I guess the good thing to come from this negative conditioning was that I became obsessed with proving I could be successful.

Promotion after promotion, changing jobs regularly to improve my status and salary became second nature. 

...and I did pretty well, I was on my way to being more successful than he ever was.

BUT, I had taken my eye off the ball with what should be important to be, my own core values, my own fulfilment.

Success came at a cost


When you are driven and successful, and focusing only on pushing forward it can be easy for the 'wrong' person to sweep in and disrupt your life.

My negative mindset, low self-worth and personal mission to prove my father wrong had consumed me, and at this vulnerable point in 2000, something triggered a chain-of-events that would completely derail me some years later.

I met and entered a relationship a woman who would later become my mental and physical abuser for nearly a decade.

I lost almost everything


My self-worth was at an all time low, I was struggling to juggle a violent home life with a respectable job.  Hiding injuries, hiding my inner turmoil and it nearly beat me.

From somewhere, I managed to find the courage and determination to leave.

I escaped, but it was costly.

The retaliation was harsh, I lost my home, I lost my job, I lost access to my daughter and was facing criminal charges of domestic abuse.

My abuser had twisted everything around and was suggesting I was the abuser.

Time to start rebuilding


Once the criminal proceedings had been dropped as authorities finally saw the truth of the situation, it was time to start rebuilding.

2007 - No job, no home, facing criminal charges
2017 - Director of a £5m software business
2018 - Promoted to C-suite (6-figures + shares)

Most people would look at me and think I was successful at this stage,

...but in my mind, I was not sucessful!

I'd spent so long striving for success, I'd lost touch with 'why' it was important.

Something was missing

I wasn't fulfilled.

Fulfilment is everything


In 2021 I finally found my fulfilment, and...

It WASN'T status.
it WASN'T salary.
It WASN'T a job title.
It WASN'T leading dozens of people.
It WASN'T making business strategic decisions.

I founded a coaching practice to help other high-achievers who have found themselves to be unfulfilled at work.

You see, I finally reconnected with my core values (helping others) rather than just concentrating on someone else's skewed definition of personal success.

"Success in a career is not just about financial gain, it's also about personal fulfilment and finding meaning in what you do."

- Michelle Obama

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become."

- Steve Jobs

Trust me I know!


I'm going to get straight to the point with no BS...

The truth is:

there's far too much bad and conflicting advice on how to be truly fulfilled at work.

It's not just about more qualifications.

It's not just about more responsibility.

It's not just about more pay.

It's not even just about more 'work-life balance'

The answer is hiding in plain sight...

This is the way

It doesn't matter how motivated you are, if you need to go north but are heading south, no level of drive and determination is going to get you where you need to be!'re going the wrong way!

After many years of reflecting on my career fulfilment journey, and from hundreds of hours guiding dozens of high-achievers to find their own career fulfilment, I've created two powerful programs that have been proven to work and will get quick results...I'm talking weeks not months.

I can help you fix the problems stopping you from achieving the career fulfilment you desire and deserve.

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